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Summary Period: 2004-01-07 to 2004-01-04 (Commits 2832-2881 of 9331)

brlcad 2004-01-07 22:32

list server woes

10 lines of code changed in:

brlcad 2004-01-07 22:30

looks like not much left to do cept sf bugs for 1.10.4

2 lines of code changed in:

brlcad 2004-01-07 22:25

the zlib thingy isn't really a bug

3 lines of code changed in:

brlcad 2004-01-07 22:23

chestal seriously improved the screenshot time, good enough for now

5 lines of code changed in:

dbrosius 2004-01-07 22:05

works for me

0 lines of code changed in:

atupone 2004-01-07 17:41

Remove Team Score label on rabbit (there's no point on it)

2 lines of code changed in:

atupone 2004-01-07 17:33

Adding RabbitScore on HUD while rabbiting

31 lines of code changed in:

shkoo 2004-01-07 16:16

double check to make sure killer is valid before allowing it to
be a rabbit candidate

4 lines of code changed in:

shkoo 2004-01-07 15:49

I think I fixed the bunny hunt issue...

3 lines of code changed in:

shkoo 2004-01-07 15:30

Now even if a paused player quits without unpausing, the next player in
the slot still has a chance at becoming rabbit.

1 lines of code changed in:

chestal 2004-01-07 14:13

do not spawn anywhere close to the outer edges of the world when in CTF mode

9 lines of code changed in:

chestal 2004-01-07 13:35

replace cryptic comment

1 lines of code changed in:

brlcad 2004-01-07 12:25

rabbit selection style argument to -rabbit is now optional, default is score-based

16 lines of code changed in:

brlcad 2004-01-07 12:18

fixed the descriptions to match manpage -- now just need to fix the code to really be optional

2 lines of code changed in:

timriker 2004-01-07 11:50

report listen ip on debug>=1

4 lines of code changed in:

larsl 2004-01-07 08:13


1 lines of code changed in:

brlcad 2004-01-07 02:26

optional params and manpage formatting

2 lines of code changed in:

shkoo 2004-01-07 02:21

fix braces and indentation in anointNewRabbit to be more consistant and readable.

9 lines of code changed in:

dbrosius 2004-01-07 02:21

just 'killer'

1 lines of code changed in:

brlcad 2004-01-07 02:11

applied the server portion of shkoo's sf patch 872035 that has the server bind the correct address when talking to the list server

14 lines of code changed in:

shkoo 2004-01-07 02:10

Add score, killer, or random selection algorithms to -rabbit flag

65 lines of code changed in:

brlcad 2004-01-07 02:03

the mostly infamouse ws

28 lines of code changed in:

brlcad 2004-01-07 01:51

tupone makes sure the server making a request is the same ip address being published/updated to help with list server abuse

65 lines of code changed in:

brlcad 2004-01-07 01:05

scratch collaborating for a more robust file as the legal mouths at insultmongers are already bitching.

0 lines of code changed in:

larsl 2004-01-06 20:11

Applied shkoo's patch with a new permission that can prevent unregistered players using registered callsigns from spawning

20 lines of code changed in:

brlcad 2004-01-06 20:04

bzfs -vars options doesn't seem to like spaces in the filepath on windows

3 lines of code changed in:

brlcad 2004-01-06 19:44

add a little informative feedback on whether loading a variable file via the -vars options is successful or not

7 lines of code changed in:

brlcad 2004-01-06 19:02

changed -echo to act like -echoClean and added -echoAnsi for when you want more.

17 lines of code changed in:

brlcad 2004-01-06 17:55

aggressive filter needs to handle apostrophe's and suffixes better

6 lines of code changed in:

brlcad 2004-01-06 17:50

insult monger

3 lines of code changed in:

brlcad 2004-01-06 17:09

applied shkoo's sf patch 871946 that improves bzadmins redrawing so that the display isn't cleared every keystroke -- also adds support for a clear command (ctrl-l).

10 lines of code changed in:

brlcad 2004-01-06 16:01

add ability to publish a single server to multiple list servers. Useful for testing/development, among other reasons.

5 lines of code changed in:

atupone 2004-01-06 07:11

No newline at end of file

1 lines of code changed in:

brlcad 2004-01-06 03:23

sheesh.. time to sleep

1 lines of code changed in:

brlcad 2004-01-06 03:17

case-sensitive alphabetical

3 lines of code changed in:

brlcad 2004-01-06 03:08

dust bunnies, I tell you -- honest

10 lines of code changed in:

brlcad 2004-01-06 03:01

make sure all command hook functions now actually contain and handle their own permission logic. output appropriate messages when permission is denied (instead of command not found). clean up some of the temp string usage

144 lines of code changed in:

dbrosius 2004-01-06 02:39

the /set command was masking all the /setXXX commands

1 lines of code changed in:

dbrosius 2004-01-06 01:30

Roger announces his actions

11 lines of code changed in:

dbrosius 2004-01-06 00:55

Now Roger is really steamed

1 lines of code changed in:

dbrosius 2004-01-06 00:42

Roger protests more

29 lines of code changed in:

dbrosius 2004-01-06 00:26

Roger doesn't like when the human's try to cheat against him

111 lines of code changed in:

brlcad 2004-01-05 16:07

renamed README.OSX to README.MacOSX to match more common convention and be trivially more obvious

23 lines of code changed in:

chestal 2004-01-05 13:44

autopilot ignores invis bullets, too

4 lines of code changed in:

chestal 2004-01-05 13:39

autopilot ignores stealthed tanks now

1 lines of code changed in:

chestal 2004-01-05 13:36

RadarRenderer might have used display lists once, but doesn't anymore; dead code removed

1 lines of code changed in:

atupone 2004-01-05 12:01

fixing background messed up.
CVS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
CVS: Enter Log. Lines beginning with `CVS:' are removed automatically
CVS: Committing in .
CVS: Modified Files:
CVS: BackgroundRenderer.cxx
CVS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------

0 lines of code changed in:

dbrosius 2004-01-05 00:54

more protocol updates

45 lines of code changed in:

dbrosius 2004-01-05 00:25

more protocol updates

23 lines of code changed in:

jeffm2501 2004-01-04 22:30

fixes for type conversion errors and warnings.

float != double in function overloading.

3 lines of code changed in:

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